
Introduction to the learning resources webinar

Fostering and Adoption Intro to the learning resources.

Also viewable online via Adobe Connect

Date: Thursday 8th May 2014
Running time: 1 hour 6 mins

This webinar will introduce the fostering and adoption learning resources and introduce the 16 key topics that they cover. Participants will also be shown how to navigate the fostering and adoption website and be given an overview of how they can use the resources to develop learning activities.

This webinar is suitable for individuals with a responsibility for implementing or cascading learning development and participants who wish to introduce the learning resources to colleagues.

Colleagues who have attended the Fostering and Adoption Train the Trainer workshops will NOT need to view this recording.

Implementing the learning resources webinar

Fostering and Adoption Implementing the learning resources webinar recording 8th May 2014.

Also viewable online via Adobe Connect

Date: Thursday 8th May 2014
Running time: 1 hour 9 mins

This webinar will provide participants with further information on how to implement the learning resources and develop learning activities. There will also be chance to review action plans from the training. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about any implementation issues.

This webinar is suitable for those participants who have attended both part one and part two of the fostering and adoption training.

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